Getting started
Implementing a Charamel Avatar into a website is very easy. Just insert three lines in your index.html
and a Charamel Avatar appears.
<script src=""></script><style>#webglcontainer{position: absolute;width: 400px;height: 400px;background-color: #888888;}</style><script>window.onload = () => {vm = new VM.Vuppetmaster();vm.start();};</script></html>
Sample Page
And here a minimalistic htm sample page:
<!doctype html><html lang="de"><head><script src=""></script><style>#webglcontainer{position: absolute;width: 400px;height: 400px;background-color: #888888;}</style><script>window.onload = () => {vm = new VM.Vuppetmaster();vm.api.start();};</script></head><button onclick="vm.api.playAnimationByName('welcome')">Welcome</button><body><div id="webglcontainer"></div></body></html>
The DIV with the id 'webglcontainer' is the area in which the avatar will be rendered.
To see and understand the easy implementation, please have a look in the JSFiddle Playground:
Here you are able to see a simple implementation of a Charamel Avatar and how easy it is to control the Avatar.